Mi-Ku Therm, with its beautiful color palette, is a functional decorative plaster for interior surfaces, that create a natural relief on walls. A high-performance product that is athermic and anti-condensation, which means that MI-KU Therm modifies the dew point to make the surface take on a higher temperature than the substrate. Thanks to this technology, Mi-Ku Therm increases living comfort, and at the same time decorates walls with a quite unique glittering effect, with a super soft finish to touch.
A technical product suitable for a conscious consumer, because Mi-Ku Therm is good for both the home environment and our planet; it is in fact REDcert2 certified for the reduction of Co2 emissions into the atmosphere, thanks to its production process which involves the use of renewable resources from biomass to replace fossil resources.
The BASF's Mass Balance Approach, was adopted by Novacolor in 2018 and allowed the Italian company to offer its customers paints formulated with sustainable raw materials derived from agriculture mostly, while maintaining the quality standard unchanged.
Brandul San Marco Group, dedicat artei decorative, prezintă Eclipsia, Culoarea Anului 2025, alături de patru universuri cromatice: Penumbra, Zenith, Aura și Supernova. Fiecare propunere își atinge desăvârșirea în întâlnirea cu Eclipsia, creând conexiuni armonioase care deschid noi și neașteptate posibilități cromatice.
Open Mint, Endless Kurkum, Wild Rosemary, Boho Cinnamon, York Lavender, Jazz Juniper. Șase moodboard-uri cromatice și stilistice trasează o cale de acces spre emoții uitate.
Zece maeștri decoratori vor spune povestea Made in Italy în arta decorativă din lume și vor pregăti noua generație de experți artizani